Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Chapters 6, 7 & 8

1. On page 64, Crane-man says that if an idea is being kept secret, and it is taken by trickery or stealth, and then used, it is the same thing as stealing.  Comment on his statement.  Do you agree or disagree with Crane-man?

2. Are there times or occasions when secret ideas should be revealed or uncovered?  Give a REAL-LIFE example.

3. The firing of pottery in the 1200's was extremely difficult.  Why was it so difficult?

4. The distance of the journey that Tree-ear had to take scared him.  What advice did Crane-man give Tree-ear to help him overcome his fear?

5. Do you think Min's reason for not teaching Tree-ear to be a potter was reasonable?  Why or why not?


  1. 1. I agree with Crane-man because if someone is keeping something secret and it is taken it is unfair. It is unfair because that person who was keeping the thing secret wants that thing kept secret. If it was out in the public then it would be okay because the person wants the thing to be shown to people so you can legally take their idea then but not when it is being kept secret.

    2. Yes, I think that there are times when secret ideas should be revealed. I think that secret ideas should be revealed when the idea could help people. For example, when doctors find cures for sicknesses for people.

    3. The firing of the pottery in the 1200s was extremely difficult because you had to fuel the kiln with wood so it was hard to keep the kiln at the right temperature.

    4. Crane-man’s words were Your mind is going to Songdo but you must not tell your body. You must take one day at a time. Otherwise, your body will grow weary before you have even begun to walk.

    5. I do believe that Min is right because he is mad that his son died and potters only teach their son. But, I also think that Min was wrong because Tree-ear really wanted to learn how to make a pot.

  2. Chapters 6, 7, & 8

    1. I agree with Crane-man because Tree-ear found out something not in an honest way. He was spying Kang, another master potter, who was using slip on his pots. This is something that other potters do not normally use. If he had been told by Kang what Kang does and said, “you can share” then it would not be stealing. But seeing as Kang did not give Tree-ear permission to copy his idea, Tree-ear was stealing. Tree-ear was also planning to share what he saw with Min.

    2. Yes - when something dangerous, harmful, or mean is being planned you should tell someone instead of keeping that to yourself. For instance, if you found out that someone was taking drugs, you should tell a teacher, police officer, or parent even if you spied on them because they are hurting themselves.

    3. It was difficult to fire pottery in the 1200’s because you had to make sure the fire was the perfect temperature so that the pottery would not come out overcooked or undercooked. For instance on page 78 the kiln was difficult to control because it had to be heated up slowly because if it was heated too quickly, the pots would crack. The warming process took a full day.

    4. On page 107 Crane-man told Tree-ear that people would be his greatest danger but it will also be people whom you must turn to if you are ever in need of something. Also on page 108 Crane-man said to take on one village each day. This was the advice Crane-man gave Tree-ear to help him overcome his fear.

    5. I don’t thin it was reasonable that Min did not teach Tree-ear to be a potter because Tree-ear had working for Min for over a year and had come to aid Min with any problem he had. Yet still, Min did not teach Tree-ear how to make a simple pot. Min’s son had died and potters were supposed to pass down their trade from father to son. Just because Min had lost his son does not mean that he could not pass down the potter’s trade. He could brake that rule and teach Tree-ear how to make a pot. To be able to work at a wheel and make a pot the proper way was Tree- ear’s dream. 4/10/13 JS#15

  3. Blog Post #3 April 11, 2013
    1. I agree with Crane-man because I feel he made a good point, if an idea is stolen and then hidden, then used it really is the same a stealing. If someone such as Kang the master potter is being secretive about their pottery looking at what they are doing and knowing what they are doing before it is public it is stealing. Tree-Ear could have told Min, who would have used the idea.

    2. There are certain situations where an idea should be exposed. For example, if someone is plotting to commit a crime, such as robbing a bank, if you uncover there plan exposing would be a good idea, it could stop the robbery, and the money would stay safe. If you kept an idea like that secret you could end up with a bad result, such as lost money.

    3. The firing of pots long ago in Korea was so difficult because there kilns were not as advanced as kilns are today. Right now if I used a kiln I would be able to set it to a specific temperature, but if I lived long ago and I attempted to fire a pot the temperature could change all the time. Kilns today are also plugged into the wall and long ago I would have to light a fire with logs under the kiln to heat it up, and it is not so easy to keep a fire going for a long period of time, led alone at the same temperature.

    4. When Tree-Ear told Crane-man he felt the journey to Songdo would be long and difficult, Crane-man told him it was not that far away, and to work one town, one day until he reached Songdo with Min’s pieces of pottery to show the emissary.

    5. In my opinion Min’s reason for not letting Tree-Ear make a pot was unreasonable. Yes, I could tell from the way he spoke of his son he loved him very much and was very upset was he had such an untimely death, but I think the way he spoke to Tree-Ear after all the help Tree-Ear had given him, cutting logs, getting clay and draining it, and others things was unreasonable. Min had lots of sadness and strong feelings inside him but he showed them in the wrong way. Min’s reasoning did not make me agree with him, it made me disagree.
    KKL #13

  4. 1. I agree that if you take an idea with trickery and stealth and then use it is stealing. I do because stealing is when you take something from someone else without them knowing, and use it for your benefit. If Tree-Ear told Min about the idea without Kang knowing, he would be using what he took without anyone knowing for his and Min’s benefit.
    2. There are times when secrets should be uncovered. A real example is when a friend of mine said something about one of my other friends without them knowing. I told my friend who didn’t know so she talked to the friend who said it and they worked it out. A secret revealed can sometimes be helpful.
    3. In the 1200’s it was very hard to fire pottery. It was hard because they used a wood powered kiln, so the temperature would constantly change. There was a chance of the pots not getting heated enough or for them to get too much heat. Also, if too much oxygen is in the kiln, the iron in the glaze “rusts,” creating the brown color.
    4. Tree-Ear is scared to go on the journey. However, Min comforts him by saying “Your mind knows you are going to Songdo. But you must not tell your body. It must think one hill, one valley, one day at time. That way, your spirit will not grow weary before you have even begun to walk.” This was on page 93.
    5. I think that the reason that Min did not teach Tree-Ear to make pots was completely unreasonable. Tree-Ear was working hard for Min and acting well when Min snapped at him. Tree-Ear acted like a second son to Min. Min cannot let feelings from the past haunt him in the present. He should let new memories come, like Tree-Ear didn’t become grouchy when Crane-Man died.

  5. Sorry. I forgot to put my name on my blog. It was posted around 8:06 p.m. SJ10

  6. APG#9
    On page 64, Crane-man says, “If a man is keeping an idea to himself, and that idea is taken by stealth or trickery, and then used, it is the same thing as stealing.” I believe this is true because using an idea that has not yet been shared by the world is like copywriting a story before the book is even published.

    I do believe that there are times where secret ideas should be revealed. I think this because in a crime you should admit that you did it even if its a secret. After a while your secret might be found and the punishment can be worse. This is why on most occasions you should reveal your secret.

    In the 1200s firing pottery was very difficult, because the temperature of the kiln was never the same as when you fire the next piece of pottery. This was very difficult for Min to make replicas of pots because in the kiln it turned out to be a different shade of color most of the time. It is a lot easier to make clay pottery now in a kiln because the temperature stays the same with electricity.

    Tree-ear thought the distance of the journey to Songdo was scary. Crane-man told him “ Your mind knows that you are going to Songdo. But you must not tell your body. It must think one hill, one valley, and one day at a time. In that way, your spirit will not grow weary before you have even begun to walk.”

    I don’t think Min’s reason for not teaching Tree-ear how to throw a pot is reasonable. I don’t think this because if a potter is supposed to teach their son how to throw a pot, and Min doesn’t even have a son anymore, he should teach Tree-ear how to make one instead.

  7. 1. I agree with Crane-man on his statement because it says TAKEN and then useing is stealing there is no other way to put it. It is con considered stealing so this is why I agree with Crane-man.
    2. A real life example of an occasion where secret ideas should be revealed or uncovered is when a husband and wife are having a baby. They have to tell their families eventually but when they tell is the couple’s choice.
    3. The firing of pottery in the 1200's was extremely difficult because they used a kiln that ran on fire wood. It is hard to get the temperature just right to fire pottery because you have to keep adding firewood and maintain heat in the kiln.
    4. The advice Crane-man gave him was that people are who you are up against. I find this true because you compete with other humans and most people run into trouble with humans. Look at it like this, there is more human attacks than shark attacks. This is why I think Crane-man’s advice is important.
    5. I think it is reasonable because every potter passes the teachings of pottery down to their son and Min’s son is not with him anymore so he is not teaching Tree-ear because he is not his son. He even says this on pg.95: “you are not my son.”


  8. 1st In my opinion it is stealing. I think this because if someone came up with something and wanted it to be a secret until he shows everyone what it is and you take the idea and get the credit for it that is stealing. Also it probably would have ruined the person’s maybe, great idea.
    2nd I was in a talent show once and my group had a great idea, break dancing. Another group was listening in on what we were discussing and stole our idea and routine. Since the other group went before us and we went after them, it looked like we stole their idea and exact same routine. So we were disqualified and the other group got credit for our ideas. 3rd It was so hard to fire pots in the 1200s because you had to keep getting more wood for the process. Also you couldn’t set it to a certain temperature, so you would have to make multiple pots that were the same and hope that one would come out perfect or good enough. 4th Crane-man told Tree-ear that his worst problems will come from people not animals and when you need help always go to a person. He said if you remember this you will travel well. 5th I think it was not reasonable to tell tree ear that he wouldn’t teach him how to make a pot. I think this because tree-ear put in a lot of hard work to help min and without Tree-ear min wouldn’t be able to finish all the work he does. Also tree-ear does the things that Min is not able to do as well because he is old. Therefore he should get the privilege of learning how to make a pot. CL12

  9. POST#3 HB#2
    1. I agree with Crane-Man because once someone shares a new idea with the public there is was no way back then to stop people from taking your idea. When you put your new idea out there you have to know that people are going to copy it. If you don’t want people to copy your idea you shouldn’t share it with the public at all.
    2. I think that there are times when secrets should be uncovered. A real life example could be if kids or teenagers were planning on doing drugs or drinking alcohol. This would be very dangerous, so if someone new they were planning on doing this they should tell an adult or someone older.
    3. He firing of pottery on the 1200’s was so difficult because they didn’t have electric kilns back then so it was very hard to get the kiln to the right temperature using wood. Now it is easy to fire pottery because we have electric kilns which are easier to get to the right temperature.
    4. The advice that Crane-Man gave to Tree-Ear to overcome the fear of his long journey ahead of him was that Tree-Ear must take it day by day, one village at a time so he does not get overwhelmed. Crane-Man also told Tree-Ear to not to let his body know that he is going to Songdo so that his spirit does not grow weary before he begins to walk.
    5. I think Min’s reason for not teaching Tree-Ear how to be a potter was reasonable because normally a potter would only teach his son how to be a potter, and Tree-Ear is no Min’s son so if he taught Tree-Ear how to make pottery that would break the tradition. Also, Min is probably still very depressed about the death of his son so to teach Tree-Ear to throw pots would probably remind Min of his son.

  10. POST 3 AC03 4/22/12

    • I agree with Crane-man because if the idea is being kept a secret and that person hasn’t revealed it to the public and you found out about before its revealed than I believe it is stealing or spying.
    • There are times when secret ideas should be revealed like when this one kid at my old school told me on the bus that he was going to prank call a kid and tell him that he was going to be arrested that day but I told him not to do that, he didn’t, This is a good real life example of when secret ideas should be revealed.
    • The firing of pots in the 1200s was difficult because there was no electricity to heat the kilns and the temperature was hard to keep the same because you always had to add wood so the temp. went up and down.
    • The advice crane-man gave to tree-ear was that tree-ears mind knows that it is going to Sondogo, tree-ear must not tell its body his body must think one hill, one valley, one day at a time.
    • I think Mins reason for not teaching tree-ear not to make pots is that the potters tradition is that a potter passes down his skill to his son but since Mins son died Min is angry and does not want to teach Tree-ear
